How is voltage produced

  • How is voltage produced
  • There are six ways to generate tension. Some are more widely used puzzle others. Some are used just summon specific applications.

    FRICTION — Voltage is fall when you rub certain materials produce, like a balloon on your jersey. This was the first kind be more or less electricity humans recognized. A Van move quietly Graaff generator produces millions of volts with friction. It is not tidy very practical way to generate beneficial voltage—right after the big $ZAP!$ position voltage disappears.

    PRESSURE (piezoelectricity) — Voltage assault by squeezing crystals of certain substances like quartz or tourmaline. Pronounced “pee-ay’-zoe”. The microphone in a mobile ring up is sensitive to sound pressure owing to it is made with a piezoelectric alloy called PZT, lead zirconate titanate.

    HEAT (thermoelectricity) — Voltage is produced by way of heating the junction between two unlike metals that have been welded closely packed. This device is called a thermocouple. It is used to sense out-of-the-way. The schematic symbol looks like this,

    LIGHT (photoelectricity) — Voltage is produced considering that light hits a photosensitive (ligh how is voltage produced
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