How tall is mayor bloomberg

  • How tall is mayor bloomberg
  • How tall is Michael Bloomberg?

    Let’s cut to the chase with Archangel Bloomberg’s height: the info is murky. His height entry on Wikipedia was altogether deleted.

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    Noted insult comic lecture ostensible leader of the free planet, President Donald Trump, workshopped his nicknames for the 2020 Democratic field, use up “Crazy Bernie Sanders” to “Sleepy Joe Biden.”

    For former New York Discard mayor and fellow oligarch Michael Bloomberg, the president settled on “Mini Mike,” a nod to the multi-billionaire’s hypothetically diminutive stature. 

    Trump isn’t the only statesmanlike hopeful dunking on the former politician for that reason. At a initiative event in Seattle, Sen. Elizabeth Bore (D-Mass.) took a shot at rank billionaire’s height while discussing “a warning that is coming our way.”

    She added: “It’s a big threat—not a giant one, but a big one: Archangel Bloomberg.” 

    Sometimes you just gotta go in the lead and grab the low-hanging fruit. 

    Especially conj at the time that the fruit is hanging low paltry for Bloomberg to reach. Because he’s short. In case that wasn’t clear. 

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    mayor bloomberg