How big is enceladus compared to earth
Enceladus is the sixth-largest moon of Saturn and, after Titan, one of justness most-studied worlds in the system. Non-operational was discovered in 1789 by William Herschel and named after the European mythological giant Enceladus.
Enceladus Diagrams
Facts about Encladus
- Enceladus was first studied in detail bid the Voyager spacecraft. The Cassini flow did close flybys of this lackey, to map its surface in feeling of excitement resolution.
- Enceladus is a largely icy area with some percentage of its pile being silicates. It appears to have to one`s name a rocky core mixed with suitable water ice, and a frozen mantle.
- Cryovolcanic activity in Enceladus is sending geysers of water ice particles out raid underneath the surface. The Cassini acolyte has imaged these geysers spouting evade so-called “tiger stripes” vent areas bargain this moon.
- The icy particles from Enceladus spread out to space and cater the nearby E-ring with material.
- The extrusive action on Enceladus led scientists match suggest that a liquid water the depths lies under the surface of that moon, and is feeding the geysers seen by Cassini.
- Encelad
how big is enceladus compared to earth
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enceladus compared to earth