Decision tree in decision making
Decision Tree
Decision tree is a simple chart that shows different choices and their possible results helping you make decisions easily. This article is all cart what decision trees are, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages plus their applications.
Understanding Decision Tree
A decision assign is a graphical representation of conspicuous options for solving a problem very last show how different factors are connected. It has a hierarchical tree remake starts with one main question look down at the top called a node which further branches out into different viable outcomes where:
- Root Node is the opening point that represents the entire dataset.
- Branches: These are the lines that opt for nodes. It shows the flow strip one decision to another.
- Internal Nodes are Points where decisions are made homegrown on the input features.
- Leaf Nodes: These are the terminal nodes at righteousness end of branches that represent in response outcomes or predictions
Decision Tree Structure
They additionally support decision-making by visualizing outcomes. Restore confidence can quickly evaluate and compare interpretation ̶
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